Dynamic validation with Yup and Formik using React hooks
In this lesson, I will show u how to deal with dynamic validation based on the article: How-to-Create-an-Optional-Dynamic-Validation-Schema-based-on-a-Value-with-the-Yup-Validation-Library and add some features to it.
So, I ran into this issue and became asking myself how to transform a required schema into an optional one using Formik.
First of all, we’ll create a state that will save our value and with that return if it’s optional or not.
optionalObject will be our conditional object (it can be an empty one or not) and otherData is where we will send the data of our inputs or what u want to validate.
Optional Schema
Next step is to create a schema for Yup validation and it will look like that:
Here is where the magic happens, using yup.lazy() and passing a value to it, we can switch between a not required schema to a required one, if the value is empty we can say that the field is required so: yup.string().required() if it’s not then: yup.mixed().notRequired(). We can change “mixed” later for string().
Now, we will set up Formik so we can validate the input field through it:
I’m using the useFormik hook instead of <Formik>. We set out initialValues with the state we declared before: state.optionalObject.otherData, we pass the optionalRequiredSchema into validationSchema and declare our onSubmit function.
Yup has a function that returns a boolean and we will use that to check if our input field is valid or not:
Our const valid will store this bool so we can use that later.
Linking all together
The HTML structure will look like that:
When the input field is touched and it has some data in it, the error message “this field is required” disappears.
But when using Formik, we have to change the field value and change the state too so Yup can validate it:
Now that all settings are done, this should do the trick to switch between a required and not required schema.